How I Made $5,808 from My Blogging Business Last Month (+ Q4 Goals)



我重新设计我的博客,缩小了我理想的奥迪nce, got back on IG, and improved my branding (story, messaging, values, visuals, testimonials, etc.). I had the chance to be part of 3 bundles and partner with many other course creators (contributing to 2 of them with 2 of my new products, and being an affiliate to the other one). I re-wrote my welcome email series, updated my courses, released a whole new product, and learned many new strategies that I’ll implement over the next months.

I also did some serious goal setting and visualizing and am excited for what’s to come.



SeptemberBlog Income Report

I earned a total of$5,8082020年9月,我的博客业务。188亚洲真人体育188金宝搏休闲娱乐

Please keep in mind that’s gross income. A lot of it goes for fees I pay to other platforms, transaction fees, paying my own taxes (close to 30% of my income), insurance and pension.您可以在此处查看所有收入报告



  • Mediavine的广告收入
ad revenue sept 2020
  • 课程销售
product sales sept 2020
  • Affiliate income from Teachable



Sponsored content – $3,863

*My income from sponsored content is earned through online marketplaces for bloggers and advertisers (2 examples includeValuedVoiceandSeedingUp) as well as networking with brands via email.


Mediavine – $836


Total Affiliate Income: $710


Books – $72

Courses – $327

Financial Freedom Through Blogging
$1K Blogger

Total Sales: $399

TOTAL (Gross Income): $5,808




Pageviews: 65,489
Sessions: 54,760
Users: 47,265

Email Subscribers Update

email list update sept 2020

Cancellations: 106
Net new subscribers: 258

The report you see is fromConvertKit- 我使用并推荐的电子邮件营销工具。


New Theme + Blog Redesign


让我采取行动的是我找到了完美的主题。它再次来自Bluchic,但是这次他们发布了专门为基于服务的业务和博客作者销售数字产品而制造的新产品。188亚洲真人体育It’s called Chic Bossand I love every element of it.

I spent a few hours that same evening I got it to add my brand colors and to design the 3 most important pages. That’s the homepage, About me and Work With Me.

The theme requires Elementor and provides beautiful templates so that took me some time till I did everything the way I wanted. The previous theme I had was definitely simpler.

I love that this one focuses on branding, testimonials, services and digital products.

It was the ideal time for my blog to have a new look as courses are the main part of my business now, I target women who want to have a profitable blogging biz (and the theme is feminine), am collecting testimonials, and have new lifestyle and work pics that I wanted to add.

This seriously is the best theme I’ve seen and it’s exactly what I needed (I just didn’t know that before I saw it). There are still some tweaks to be made and features I wanna explore, but that can happen over the next few months too.

$1K Blogger

My new course $1K Blogger终于完成了。到目前为止,反馈很棒且有抱负,新博客作者正在享受内容,从选择您的利基市场和博客名称,启动和设计WordPress博客到创建和优化内容,建立电子邮件列表,并在3个不同的货币上获利,该内容涵盖了任何内容。方式(广告,会员营销和拥有数字产品)。



I didn’t share anything about this product in advance but I had it planned and outlined for some time now, and it’s a great addition to the other freebies and products I offer.

博客收入工具包is the first paid toolkit type of product I release. Inside, you’ll find the Blog Income Book (a 45+ page ebook with income reports and monetization tips so you see exactly what happens over the course of a year inside a 5-figure blogging business). Also, there are proven templates to use for list building and working with brands.


  • super tactical
  • easy to consume (you download ready made templates and use them for your blogging biz)
  • give quick wins (you will immediately have an email series, lead magnets to offer to your subscribers, a media kit and brand email pitch, etc).


Themed Days

Something I began doing a few weeks ago is theming my week. While I keep using to-do lists, I also gave the calendar a chance again and started outlining my days and weeks. It helps to see the big picture but also the day-to-day tasks, plus Google calendar has plenty of nice features to enjoy for maximum results.



So before you have themed days, you first need to define the different things you work on during the week and categorize them. Then each day of the work week will be for 1 aspect of your business and you’ll do everything related to it, while leaving the rest for other days.

Here’s how my week looks like:

我从一周开始心态星期一。I journal, take courses and learn, set goals, make a plan, do research, outline my next steps and what I want to achieve in the next few months as well as what will help me get there.


There’s a lot of freedom in this schedule and that helps my brain focus, overcome roadblocks and come up with new ways to do things, create a vision and see the next steps. It’s a really powerful way to start the week.


I’d also update email series, create a new freebie or update an old one if that’s on my list, analyze newsletter stats and see what I can change.


Wednesday is for the digital coursesaspect of my business, which includes:

  • Creating content for a new program or updating a current one
  • Improving sales pages
  • 与学生接触,获得推荐和反馈金博宝188手续费
  • If I’m taking a course on the topic, this is the day to learn more from it
  • 计划发布
  • Creating pre-launch content
  • Promoting a product
  • 在我的销售渠道上工作
  • Designing graphics for products


Thursday would then be for Branding(除了电子邮件营销和数字课程之外,我将重点关注的第三个要素)。

So, on that day I’d tweak blog design, plan for and share on social media, take a branding course, narrow down my niche, work on my brand voice and mission, re-define my why and who my ideal reader and student is, and create visuals.


周五可能是电子邮件营销,周六can be about courses and sales. And Sunday can be without any work so I can do other things and prepare for the new week.



Q4 begins and I’m ready for it! Here’s what I’ve planned for October and the rest of the year:

  • 我正在为新生的门关闭my signature course Financial Freedom Through Blogging在月底。我将向听众发送电子邮件,以便他们知道他们还有最后机会在价格仍处于该价格时抓住它。
  • From then on, I’ll invest the next 3 months to update it, add new bonuses, create a course workbook, update the sales page and my brand voice so it targets only my ideal readers, get in touch with current students, and prepare for a launch in January. That will take a massive amount of work and organization and I’m excited for this challenge.
  • 10月的第一部分将投资于计划发布会,实际上关门并通过电子邮件向我的列表发送了几次。
  • I’m also constantly taking courses on email marketing, running a digital course business and branding + listening to podcasts on a daily basis so my to-do list is full of things I want to work on and I have so many ideas on what to do next so I can best serve my audience.
  • 在11月和12月,我将创建针对理想读者的免费内容(雄心勃勃的女性,他们想创建一个有利可图的博客业务),增加我的电子邮件列表,并通过博客继续更新财务自由。188金宝搏休闲娱乐
  • 然后,在一月份,我将发布发布前的内容,并从促销和特殊奖金开始。在2月初,当所有新学生都注册时,我将再次关闭门,并有机会与他们紧密合作并遵循他们的进步。
