4 Paid Offers You Can Create TODAY

Tune in below to hear about 4 paid offers you can create, release and start earning from in one day or one weekend:

Show Notes:

  • 按照自己的条件和随之而来的挑战的生活
  • 为什么创建新报价不需要那么复杂
  • What’s an audit
  • What my Blog Audit offer looks like and how I’ve structured it
  • 为什么我只为该产品制定无偿政策
  • An idea that can turn into a high-ticket offer
  • How to set boundaries and make sure you attract the right clients
  • A product you can create quickly and sell over and over again
  • 印刷品在您的销售渠道中的作用
  • How to create a product bundle
  • 增加要约价值的方法



Creating new paid offers doesn’t need to be too complicated or time-consuming.

You can overthink it forever, try to find the perfect words to describe it, wait till you’re ready, update your sales page all the time, but nothing will actually happen until you start selling it.

The best offers can be pretty simple which also makes the messaging and marketing easier. Your pitch can be a few sentences because it’s that crystal clear what the offer is, who it’s for and how it can help them.

You define that, create the sales page and any product if necessary and if it will be done before opening the cart, and you start sharing it with people and talking about it all the time so everyone can hear.

You might need to repeat it more times than you feel comfortable with but that’s to ensure that everyone in your audience is aware of the new offer. Those who were wondering if it’s right for them or not can then have enough details to make an informed buying decision.

3 out of the 4 ideas I’ll give you don’t require any actual product creation, you’ll just need to outline some details. Only one idea will require you to create something, but as you’ll see, it’s quick and easy.

Also, 2 of the offers are passive, meaning you release them once and they bring in passive revenue. The other 2 require your time, but they can be priced very high so that makes it worth it.



The first paid offer you can release as soon as possible is an audit. And what that means is reviewing something the client has created, something you specialize in.

An example isthe Bold Audit I offer,,,,which is a review of every element on your website. You get a 60-page PDF file containing information about the most important areas of your blog as well as suggestions on how to improve and next steps to take.


Another section of the audit is Content. I go through your single blog posts + overall content strategy and help you take your content marketing to the next level and create content that attracts your ideal reader, is optimized well and is part of a sales funnel so you can form relationships and grow your audience.

我还会查看您现有的货币化方法,并为您提供下一个合乎逻辑的步骤 +分享您现在可以从博客开始赚取的更多方法。

Then I review your email marketing strategy. If you don’t have an email list yet, I’ll outline what you need to get started and how to use it to grow your blog traffic + income. And it includes many other sections.

最后一部分是你的行动计划,你孩子们的地方l find a 7-day plan on how to fix the biggest issues with your blog + optimize it, followed by a 3-month step-by-step plan to grow your audience and income.


You’ll have a professional looking website that readers, brands and search engines can trust. You’ll know what the best ways to monetize your blog are, which one to start with, and how to diversify your income.


I created this product because people from my audience have been asking me to check out their blogs since I can remember.

They want to know if they’re doing things right, if they monetize in the best way, if their design and user experience are on point, if they have the most optimal blog categories, if their articles are optimized well for keywords, and what next steps they should take to have a blogging strategy and increase their traffic and income.

That’s too much to answer in 1 email or DM. So I decided to release this unique offer for those who are serious about taking their blog to the next level.

由于我的时间有限,这种工作需要我全神贯注的关注,精力和专业知识,因此我只想审核那些准备进行投资的人的博客。这也意味着他们实际上将经历我将提供的PDF,最重要的是 - 将遵循我的提示,建议和下一步。

The way I’ve structured the audit is my own choice. Yours can involve a call and a plan with next steps, whether that’s inside a PDF file or just done during the call. It’s up to you. Do whatever helps your client the most and whatever you find the most joy in.



That’s because I only want to work with people who are serious about growing their blog, can follow instructions and are NOT looking for a way out before they even begin. And once they receive the PDF file, they get lifetime access to it.

This isn’t an online program that you can lose access to. This is work done specially for them and their business, using my professional experience of having been in the blogging industry for 7 years now. And the offer is so exclusive and the PDF they receive contains such powerful information, that once seen/used, it can’t be unseen/unused (meaning, you they have received far more than what they paid for).

概述您的审计报价和price it based on valuebut also the time and effort it takes you. This is almost like working 1:1 with you, so make sure you get compensated for that well.

2. Voxer support

Why I Created Bold Business School for You

The next cool thing you can release in your business is a Voxer package. Well, it can also be a WhatsApp one or anything like that, but the point is that you offer 1:1 support to people on whatever it is you help them with but in the form of voice and text messages.

vox是一个流行的应用,特别是在coaching industry. This is actually a package many coaches have but if you aren’t one, you can still add it to your product suite.

If you’re more of an introvert but want to offer personalized support and hold your client’s hand as they go after their goals and make changes, then this might be perfect for you. It can also be a high-ticket product, your most expensive offer even.

The unique selling point here is that people get private access to you and a personalized experience.

They can be in your energy, get more done in the area of life you help them with than they would on their own, get personalized feedback, accountability, support and a strategy to move forward with.


Don’t forget to set boundaries here.



确定您将打开多少个景点,人们是否需要填写表格并首先接受表格,或者可以付款并开始与您合作,并考虑您是否会offer payment plans

Okay, moving onto the next one of the paid offers I have for you.


You can create printable digital files that you can sell over and over again. You don’t need to be a graphic designer for that but can simply use Canva. That’s what I’m doing.


  • a blog goals planner
  • a daily, weekly and monthly blog planner
  • 密码跟踪器
  • a tracker for ad income
  • 会员收入跟踪器
  • 赞助收入跟踪器
  • 数字产品收入跟踪器
  • Pinterest growth tracker, etc.

I even have a product called The Life Planner Kit, which is a bundle of printables to organize all areas of your life.

These were simply created inside Canva, downloaded and bundled into a kit.

But I also have博客收入工具包。Aside from an eBook with income reports and monetization tips, it also includes done-for-you-templates for bloggers.

他们中的一些人,比如铅磁铁模板,take you to Canva.com where you can copy the template I created for you and then use it in your own account. You can personalize it a bit, download it and immediately start using it in your blogging business.

If you decide to create printables, know that these are usually priced low and their goal is to get people in your sales funnel, give them a lot of value, something really actionable and which will save them time.


4. Bundles

And finally, bundles. That’s another amazing offer you can release right away but only if you already have 2 or more products available. Then you can simply combine them in a bundle and sell them with a discount or together with some bonuses.

An example ismy Master Blogger Bundle,其中包含所有博客作者需要启动他们的博客,增加流量和收入,创建出色的内容营销策略,建立销售渠道,将博客变成全职业务,具有被动的收入来源,并对他们的博客进行审核188亚洲真人体育我 +获得个性化的增长行动计划。

I’ve included 3 courses, a workshop, the blog audit, a toolkit and printables.

That’s a total of $1234 (when purchased separately). But with the bundle, I offer all these resources for $888, so you save over $300.

If I create new products on blogging, they will be added to this package too and those who’ve already purchased it will get them at no extra cost.

有30天的无风险保证。我还竭尽全力说,如果我的听众中的某人已经购买了其中一种产品,那么从价格中提取了这笔钱。他们只需要给我发电子邮件,以便我可以为他们创建唯一的优惠券代码。有很多方法可以enhance the value of your offer

The course platform you’re using must allow you to create bundles easily.I use Teachableand creating a bundle there is one click away, just like it is with a new course.

If you serve different groups of people or at different stages of their journey, you might bundle your products based on that. It doesn’t need to be all your products in 1 bundle. Then you’ll have a few new paid offers for your audience.



If you want help creating your next digital product, such as a course, and love having step-by-step processes you can follow from start to finish, templates and swipe files you can use and proven systems that will save you the time and confusion, then join me inside Bold Business School, my signature program for course creators.


门只在本月底打开4天,因此,如果您现在打电话加入,请确保您不会错过。You can jump on the waitlist hereorhead to the official sales pageof the program and see what it includes and all the juicy details about it.

Thank you so much for joining me today. Wishing you the best of luck with your paid offers, and I’ll see you next time.