Behind The Scenes of a $23K Course Launch: Interview with Deasha Waddup

This is an interview withDeasha Waddup.

Hey, Deasha. Tell us about yourself and what you do.

I am a social media and business consultant for entrepreneurs all over the world looking to scale their business using Facebook and Facebook Groups.

How did the different stages of your entrepreneurial journey look like so far?

I started out as a social media manager in 2016 and transitioned to coaching in 2019 after being asked to by some of my clients, I worked primarily on 1:1 and then in 2020 launched my first course and membership program.

What made you create a course and how did you validate the idea?

I ran the course as a live group training about 5 times before I moved it into a course. I wanted to make sure it was exactly what people needed to help them shift in their business.

How did you decide who to create a course for and how to position it?

I wanted to help those that were not ready to work with me 1:1 yet and needed guiding differently that those in my 1:1 sessions.

读也:10 Signs You’re Ready to Create an Online Course

Tell us about the first launch of Attract Dream Clients and how it went.

The first launch, I had a handful of people sign up. I did a live challenge I tested my strategy and what I was going to say and perfected it for the next and the next.

Nothing ever happens the way you want it to first time round. It takes time.

What’s your take on live vs evergreen launches?

I do both. I allow people to join when they are ready and I do live launches to get an influx of people and a cash injection into the business.

What did you improve after each launch?

It depends on the launch, I evaluate everything that happened and look at what I can change for the next launch. This can come down to communication, follow up, email subject lines. You will never get perfect but you can always improve.

读也:What Your Failed Launch Really Means

Tell us about your $23K launch.

Doors were open for 2 weeks for the launch. I had focused on building my audience before the launch and nurturing them so they were ready to sign up. I also held space for 1:1 clients to sign up too rather than just focusing on the course.

What support do you offer for your self-paced course?

I have a Facebook group and monthly coaching calls that people can tune into for the lifetime of the course.

I think being able to get answers as you go through a course is going to make the world of difference and helps you to actually implement things. Having monthly coaching calls gives people the opportunity to stay connected with me and sign up to other programs if they wish.

How did your business change once you had a course to offer?

My business became scalable and not reliable on me to exchange time for money on a 1:1 capacity.

How do you keep your students engaged?

Through the group calls and the Facebook group.

How did you leverage your Facebook group to build an audience?

There are tons of way to leverage your group to build an audience, I teach them all inside my membership program.

You can leverage other people’s communities, optimize the groupfor organic growth, get speaking opportunities and utilize your own profile to grow your group consistently and therefore build your audience.

What are some big challenges you’ve overcome in your business?

Building a business whilst being full time employed was hard work to start with, especially as I could not get visible enough for my employer to find out.

That is where I learnt the strategies I teach in Attract Dream Clients about validating and providing an offer that helps you leverage other people’s communities so you don’t need your own.

What’s your advice for aspiring course creators who are afraid to launch their first program?

Just do it. What is the worst that can happen?

你第一次启动不会太好了,你的第二个be better and your third will get better. Still, practice makes perfect. You are not going viral with your first video.


To continue providing amazing first class service to as many business owners as possible so that they cancreate a life of freedomto allow them to live their dreams in a way that lights them up.