2020年6月博客收入与流量报告[$ 4,000+收入]


We tend to overcomplicate it all and it turns into this daunting experience but it doesn’t need to be this way. In fact, I want your launches to be the most exciting events in your business and for you to look forward to every next one. That excitement is magnetic and will attract more people to your audience and will turn more of them into happy course students, or clients if you’re offering services or any other product.

Tune into the episode below:

Show Notes:

  • 创建社交媒体副本的快速技巧
  • 有启动主题
  • 为什么要有每日启动计划
  • A simple way to improve every next launch
  • How to make your audience part of your launch


I’m currently preparing for the second official launch of Bold Business School, and there I teach you how to create an amazing course and offer, because these are 2 different things and they both need to be nailed, and then sell it over and over again.




1. Your social media copy and emails can be the same.

The first thing I wanna share will take a lot of the pressure and preparation away. It’s that your social media copy can be the same as your emails.


Once you write your emails, each day you send one, you can post almost the same content on your main social channel.


2. Choose a theme for each launch.







It also keeps me excited as I create new copy every time and the process is simple as I’m focused on 1 topic.





If you feel overwhelmed, or don’t want to show up online one of the days, or life happens and your mind is elsewhere, all you need to do during that day is to complete the tasks from the daily launch plan.

And almost all of them will be quick, such as to send an email (although that can be scheduled ahead of time, of course), or to post on socials, or to update a link, or to create a new payment plan.


That list can also include things such as double checking links, responding to messages or emails about the course, adding a special bonus that expires in 24 hours, deleting a coupon cope if it won’t be available anymore, going live to answer questions, create a bit.ly link, or anything else.



Here’s the thing: you don’t need to have everything figured out or有史以来最好的发布。You’ll get there, but there are lessons to learn first.


If you haven’t already, analyze how the last one went and what you could have done better. Then use that information to decide what you’ll do differently this time. And measure it so you can have numbers to back it up.

Maybe you can send more emails this time. Add a new bonus. Engage with people more on socials. Release a podcast episode that week that provides value. Go live multiple times so people can connect with you and ask all their questions.



There are so many things you can test every time. But it’s important to not make multiple changes every time because this makes it hard to say what helped you grow once you see more sales come in.


The goal here is to only do that works best.


Next, what if you prioritized feeling good during your next launch?

What if you fill your calendar with not just promo tasks then but also activities that you truly enjoy? As long as it’s not too much to the point where you end up being stressed and can’t keep up with business, you can do anything – even a trip.

This is because when you’re staying high-vibe, you show up with different energy online. You’re magnetic. You’re more excited about the launch. People listen to you more and check out the product.


And you start associating launching with positive things so you look forward to the next one. That definitely puts you in a better position than obsessing over who buys and how many days you have left.




Don’t push yourself to sit down and do it today only because that’s what your to-do list says. Instead, grab the moment when it comes. The moment when you are super creative, energetic, when ideas are flowing and when everything feels easy and flowy.

That’s when you can write from your heart,create high-value posts,以最佳方式描述您的报价,以与理想客户共鸣的方式分享您的故事。

And that’s when your promo material will have the biggest effect on anyone who sees it.


Here’s my next piece of advice. Get people involved as much as possible.


可能会有挑战或比赛。也使用尽可能多的推荐书金博宝188手续费甚至分享案例研究。Make it about the people, not about you.





It makes it fun and others see people are joining. This makes your program feel more alive and those who haven’t joined yet feel like they are missing out on a lot.

Final words


Let me know by sharing this episode on Instagram and tagging me @letsreachsuccess


大胆的商学188亚洲真人体育院在短短几天内就打开了大门,因此,如果您正在寻找创建,推出和出售课程的路线图,那么现在是您采取行动的机会。Join the waitlist hereand you’ll hear from me soon.

Thanks for tuning in today, have a beautiful rest of the week.