
Today I have something quick and easy to share with you but which can be so eye-opening that it can change the direction of your business in 1 hour. Let’s call it a business audit – a review of the key areas of your business.

Tune in the episode below (or scroll down to read the post) and learn how to audit your business, gain valuable insights, make more course sales and serve your email list better.

Business Audit Questions

Blog Traffic

  • What drives the most traffic to my website?
  • How can I double that?
  • 从我正在做的事情和我使用的平台,什么不会导致任何大量流量?
  • How to change it or stop it?

Email List Growth

  • What brings subscribers the most?
  • How can I double that?
  • From the things I’m doing, what doesn’t lead to any list growth?
  • How to change it or stop it?

Email List Engagement

  • 打开哪些电子邮件并点击最多?
  • How can I write more of them?
  • What emails don’t lead to any engagement?
  • How to change that?


  • 是什么驱动销售?
  • How to double down on that?
  • Which of my current activities don’t lead to any sales?
  • 如何改变它们或阻止它们?


  • 哪些剧集的下载最多?
  • How to create more of that?
  • Where are downloads coming from?



This will be about numbers. If you aren’t a big fan of them, I totally get it. I’d much rather create content for my business all the time and not think about numbers, but to make them grow, we also gotta analyze them first.

The goal of the audit you’re about to perform it to show you why you aren’t seeing the results you want in the key areas of your business.

This is best done once a quarter. Also have a plan on how to follow through on the action items you write during it. It’s easy to review everything now, uncover valuable insights, see what’s working and what isn’t, only to leave it behind in a few days and go back to your old way of doing business. The one that obviously wasn’t giving you the results you want.

So maybe it’s gonna be to turn the action steps from it into a plan for the next 3 months, add them to your calendar, write them down in your actual to-do list, and do a monthly review to see if you’re on track.

In the show notes, I’ll include the questions for the business audit so you can quickly access them and get to action. I suggest you answer those right after listening to the episode or later today while this is still fresh in your mind.

What to Review

The areas I reviewed are the ones that are key in my business, but yours can be different.

I’ll now cover Blog Traffic, Email List Growth and Email List Engagement – 2 on email marketing, that’s how important it is. Then I’ll move onto Course Sales and the Podcast.

Maybe for you there’s client work, a YouTube channel or influencer marketing.

I don’t think you should include the growth of 1 social media channel as a separate category because there are already questions that will help you figure out if that platform leads to growing your main channels or to a significant percentage of your sales and revenue.

You might be attached to something like Instagram or TikTok or Facebook, but this audit can help you see that your time is simply wasted there. And you can try yet another strategy to get more followers, make your videos viral or get more engagement on your posts, only to end up at the same place a few months from now when you review your business again.

This is just an example of how something that plays a big role in your day to day business activities now might actually be slowing everything down, distracting you from where your focus should be going. That’s the case for me and that’s why social media isn’t on my agenda anymore.

But of course it can work for you, you might be making sales there, finding clients, and seeing a lot of engagement. If that’s the case, and if you love it and wanna stay there, include that as a category in your business audit. Now let me share the questions.

First I reviewedBlog Traffic

Question #1: What drives the most traffic to my website?


For me that was organic traffic first, as usual, and I saw the top performing pages again. Then direct traffic and finally social media traffic, but 98% of that is from Pinterest.

So, what makes sense to double down on that is to:

  • Put opt-in forms on the pages with most traffic.
  • Update those pages.
  • Share them in a newsletter because chances are most of the people on my list have never seen them.
  • 更频繁地固定这些顶页。
  • Focus on Pinterest more – it might be to learn more about its current trends, create a new simple strategy, and implement it daily/weekly.


#4: How to change it or stop it?


Moving onto the next section: Email List Growth.

The questions here are almost the same.

  • What brings subscribers the most?
  • How can I double that?
  • From the things I’m doing, what doesn’t lead to any list growth?
  • How to change it or stop it?

The main way I bring subscribers to my list is through participating in bundles with other course creators, and from opt-in forms on my blog. So I can have more collaborations like that and drive more traffic to the site.

I also need to figure out how to track the sources that subscribers are coming from better. Email marketing tools only show so much stats. There’s a way to do it through Google Analytics by creating a campaign but I haven’t tried that yet.

Category #3 of your business audit is Email List Engagement.

Business Launch Checklist: 8 Steps to Launching Your New Business

That’s different from email list growth and your email list in general is so important that it deserves 2 separate categories in your review.


  • 打开哪些电子邮件并点击最多?- 意思是,表现最高的新闻通讯是什么?您可以在电子邮件营销仪表板中轻松看到。
  • How can I write more of them?
  • What emails don’t lead to any engagement?
  • How to change that?

所以我坐下来,经历了过去三年来表现出色的新闻通讯I switched to ConvertKit。That’s the provider I’m using and that’s also when I began taking my email list more seriously.

This was the first time I reviewed all my email campaigns at once and I noticed some things.

例如,2年前,我的点击率 +总体电子邮件参与度更高。然后我在教授博客,188金宝搏休闲娱乐sharing income reportsand interviews with bloggers.



I also concluded that a section in the email with just a few recent or even not so recent articles leads to more clicks. I give them more resources to check out.

In the PS, it’s worth linking to another freebie or something they might have missed. This leads to more clicks in the campaign.


另外,提醒我,人们想看我的业务幕后发生了什么188亚洲真人体育。They loved it when I was publishing detailed income reports or sharing my goals or any progress I see in different areas of life.

Once you analyze this, you can also decide what emails to write more of. It’s as simple as doing more of what worked.

When I was trying to figure out what emails didn’t perform well, this came up:

  • Subject lines with promos – I can do something else instead and add the promo as a section inside the email.
  • Too general subject lines – People want specifics (numbers, my process, transformations, etc).
  • Results-oriented subject lines + content perform better.
  • Sendinginterviews with course creators或课程业务的主题不会导致参与,因为听众中的大多188亚洲真人体育数人都是博客作者。因此,我需要更好的细分。

I also decided I can have a minimum open rate and click through rate to go for with every newsletter and consider a success only those at or above that level.

设定目标时,请记住平均开放率有点above 20%。And the click through rate across all industries is between2%-3%。因此,如果您已经有了这些数字,那就做得很好。

不要为难自己。你仍然可以瞄准creasing them, of course, higher engagement is always on top of our list. But don’t go for unrealistic targets as they might just not be possible in any industry.



Ask yourself:

  • 是什么驱动销售?
  • How to double down on that?
  • Which of my current activities don’t lead to any sales?
  • 如何改变它们或阻止它们?

For me, sales come mostly from launches of new products. That’s because it’s the first time my audience hears about it, I have a pre-launch period where I warm them up, and I’m super excited about the program as it’s the first time I’m releasing it. It’s a totally different story when that’s the second or third launch of the same product.

你可以用促销排气听众,especially if you don’t personalize the experience and segment them.


In launch emails, I tag those who clicked the link as they are the most interested ones and I send more emails to them.




Now this will be easier to execute than an actual official launch because it doesn’t involve social media or anything on the website or the podcast, it’s just emails. I can use the same email copy I did for the first launch because I did my best when creating those emails.

So there’s no new marketing material to prepare, no content, the discount code and links can be the same, I just need to reactivate the same coupon code.

I just make some changes to the email promo series, decide on the dates, add the tasks to my to-do list and can start sending the emails.

但是你要小心什么是真的啊nly send it to people who might be interested in that offer.

>> Need help with launching your course?Check out my signature program for course creators Bold Business School.


  • 那些在产品首次发布之前注册的人
  • 那些参加了我参加的课程捆绑包的人,这使他们可以访问此确切的课程(这就是为什么我在电子邮件营销工具中标记不同课程的学生,因此我不再为同样的报价而打扰他们)
  • 如果他们刚刚签约,目前正在浏览您的欢迎电子邮件系列的人,因为为他们推广任何内容还为时过早。



I also want to plan the launches for next year. Based on how much my email list is growing, I can launch existing courses to the new audience every quarter, in-between other big things. The rest of the email list won’t even know. So that’s something new I’ll be doing in 2023.


If you don’t have one, obviously you can skip it or add another category, something else that’s a big part of your business.

To review your podcast growth though, you can answer the following questions:

  • 哪些剧集的下载最多?
  • How to create more of them?
  • Where are downloads coming from?

You can see the stats and reports from your podcast hosting platform and then make decisions based on that.

One little tip I have for you is this: For every episode idea ask yourself: ‘Is that something people want to listen to, or is it something you just feel like covering?’

Too often we end up creating the content we want or like but it’s not what our people want so it doesn’t lead to engagement.
